Film & Game

Transform Film IP into an Innovative Video Game

As a film studio, an understanding of the power of storytelling and the value of intellectual property (IP) is inherent. Now, envision elevating your film’s IP to new heights by transforming it into an immersive and interactive video game. Hengtion presents an unparalleled opportunity to bring this ambitious vision to life.

Maximizing Asset Value

Transforming film IPs into video games reshapes the entertainment industry, connecting with global audiences and broadening appeal to younger demographics and avid gamers. Video game adaptations enhance brand recognition and drive cross-media synergy, paving the way for sequels, spin-offs, and merchandise adaptations.

Unlocking New Revenue Streams

The video game industry offers vast revenue opportunities. Converting film IPs into commercial video games enables studios to profit from game sales, in-game purchases, downloadable content, and licensing agreements. These streams supplement box office earnings, ensuring sustained income in the long run.

How We Can Help

  • Transforming your film IPs into innovative commercial 2D or 3D video games of different sizes and target audiences.
  • Providing consultation and strategic integration of video games into a film during the pre-shooting stage, enhancing the potential to attract investors and maximize opportunities for financial backing.
  • Developing a marketing plan and helping you find the best strategy to expand and generate new revenue streams while enhancing IP recognition.
  • Organizing offline events with industry experts and media to attract younger audiences and increase fan engagement.
  • Creating immersive VR, MR, and XR experiences to further expand your IP universe.
  • Providing 3D modeling, animation services to support your project’s needs.
  • Offering Game Localization services, cultural consultations, and translation to ensure authenticity and resonance across diverse markets.

Connect with Us:

To explore further insights and potential collaborations, reach out to us at